Kindergarten PE in the classroom

PE Forum: Elementary Physical Education: Kindergarten PE in the classroom
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous on Wednesday, July 11, 2001 - 07:24 am: Edit

I have been ordered to teach kindergarten PE in their classroom for next year. Apparently, the principal feels sorry for the kindergarten teachers because they do not get planning time?! (They get the same as I do) We cannot use the gym because it is being used at the same time. We have 2.5 PE teachers because of our large student population in grades 1-5 (over 1000 students) The principal is making the same request of Music and Art. Any suggestions for conducting a quality PE program to Kindergarten in a classroom with desks and tables?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anna Other on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 12:32 am: Edit

This is ridiculous! Kids love to move around and as for the safety issue!!! I say, speak to the parents see what they think of the idea! Have them give your principal some orders. Ask your principal to demonstrate your first lesson for you!!! Pathetic excuse that you should have to cover the teachers non-contact time in such an unsuitable way. Is there no outdoor space available for you? No playground or multi-purpose room? Even a local park would be better than a classroom.
If all else fails ask some of the more friendly Kindergarten specialist what they suggest or work out with them some academic activities that you could do with the class whilst they have some "catch up" time.
I feel for you. You should not have to work in that situation and you certainly shouldn't keep quiet about it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 07:42 am: Edit

I feel that students at the elementary level should be able to share in the physical activities in the gym. This is a time were the students will start to build some of their dislikes and likes in life and if we can get them to start to like physical activity then we would be doing our job. The students donât need to be in the gym everyday. When the students are out at recess they are really not that active. When in the gym the teacher can provide the atmosphere for the students that is controlled. For instance the teacher could start helping them with their throwing motion and start the basic concept of team play. Why would we not want to have kindergartners participating in physical education if we have the time to give it to them?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Zac Desjardins on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 08:42 am: Edit

I feel that students at the elementary level should be able to share in the physical activities in the gym. This is a time were the students will start to build some of their dislikes and likes in life and if we can get them to start to like physical activity then we would be doing our job. The students don‰t need to be in the gym everyday. When the students are out at recess they are really not that active. When in the gym the teacher can provide the atmosphere for the students that is controlled. For instance the teacher could start helping them with their throwing motion and start the basic concept of team play. Why would we not want to have kindergartners participating in physical education if we have the time to give it to them?

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