Grading Policy

PE Forum: Elementary Physical Education: Grading Policy
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous on Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 10:48 pm: Edit

My principal informed me that a teacher had brought it to her attention that the PE dept. was not unified in their grading procedures. This particular teacher has a split class, some of her students go to one PE teacher, the rest go to another PE teacher. The teacher was unhappy that half of her class received E's and the other half received S's. I was told I did not follow the school tradition of giving each student an E to start out the year. I refused to change my grades. My grades were based on student effort, participation and skill. At this day and age why are we still having to deal with people who refuse to accept Physical Education as a respectable and legitimate course?

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