
PE Forum: Elementary Physical Education: Pedometers
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Debra Maxted (Debra) on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 05:56 pm: Edit

I just got my pedometer kit from Walk4Life. I introduced them to several classes today, grades 4,5,7,& 8. They were pretty jazzed about them. I do have a question for any out there who use them. What has been the easiest way to document the steps at the end of class? I have made up a postcard size card for one class that allows them to document 9 class days worth of steps. One class I am going to record myself as they turn them in. But I decided to pick some brains out there and see if anyone has found a way the works well.
Thank you.

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