Do you allow students to call your class "gym or P.E.?

PE Forum: Elementary Physical Education: Do you allow students to call your class "gym or P.E.?
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By joe dunn (Joe) on Friday, November 30, 2001 - 02:17 pm: Edit

I wan't to know how many of you allow your students to call the class gym or P.E. I believe by pushing the kids to call it physical education we send a strong message. I would like to know more physical educator's beliefs on this subject.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Gwen Pribble on Saturday, December 01, 2001 - 05:24 pm: Edit

P.E. Forum: RE: "gym or P.E."
I have always asked/requested that the class be referred to as P.E./Phys. Ed./Physical Education.
Why??????????? Because I do not teach about the "gym"---I teach about how to move more efficiently, how the skeletal system is designed to work. I told my Princiapl, when she 1st arrived that I am a teacher and my subject is Phys. Ed.. I slowly taught all to refer to my class by its proper name vs the slang.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Michael Miller (Jrppe) on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 05:39 pm: Edit

My students mainly refer to physical education class as gym class. My classes are truly more than just gym class. I explain to my students just what physical education class truly entails. I have often defined physical education to my students. I now believe they all know what physical education class involves as well as what it means to be physically fit. They sometimes call me "Mr. Gym" though.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Matt Johnson on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 07:52 am: Edit

I want my students to call my subject physical education, PE, Phys. Ed., or the like because my goal as a physical educator is to educate the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects of children not teach them about gym. The term gym seems to imply that our job is to teach them about the gymnasium instead of sports, social responsibility, fair play and physical activity. Itâs not wrong for students, teachers, parents, and administrators to call a PE teacherâs subject gym class. They do this (probably) because they have not been told differently (i.e., they have always known PE as gym). Our job as physical educators is to inform students, teachers, parents, and administrators about PE and of our goals as PE teachers. Then, we must implement a worth while program (appropriate content) that is beneficial to ALL students. If we can be successful in this aspect people will begin to understand why we call it Physical Education instead of gym.

Matt Johnson
Physical Education Teacher Certification Major
Kent State University

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Gwen Pribble (Gwen) on Wednesday, March 27, 2002 - 09:39 am: Edit

In response to this question.......most people, including classroom teachers, believe referring to Phys Ed as "Gym" not and should not be viewed as a putdown or as a devaluing of...that instead it probably came from the words "Gymnasium or Gymnastics". Untrue my friends........for I have done a bit of research on this and found that: At the very first Olympics the word/term gym was used in reference to and is actually means; "in the nude". Ta Ta
Solution to the "Gym" dilemma!
I taped a documentary of the 1st Olympics...a PBS special.
Gwen Pribble
So, all may stand corrected and may correct all, for we do not want to speak of nudity at school. Right? Right. (o"Gwen

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Melody Johnson (Mjohnson) on Thursday, May 02, 2002 - 08:31 pm: Edit

When I read this question I had to respond. I am currently student teaching so I am not yet a real teacher, but I strongly agree that we are physical educators and we do not teach a gym. We teach P.E. I think it is important for the students to realize this as well as other teachers. We are not just here to play, but we are educating and having fun at the same time. Therefore it is physcial education not gym!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By baby gaynor rico repayo (Babygee50) on Sunday, May 05, 2002 - 09:08 pm: Edit

I agree with you Melody, PE is a subject taught in school and it should be addressed as PE just like the other subjects such as English, Science et. Gym is the venue for PE.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous on Thursday, May 23, 2002 - 03:04 pm: Edit

The most pressing issue is not what we call our class but the quality of teaching and are all students achieving.... I've seen some really fancy names Exercise Science, Movement Performance, Physical Education ... but the fancy names don't hide the poor quality in some of these schools (programs). I say you call your class what you want and focus on what's going on from day to day and you will make your program, regardless of what you call it, something all of your students will be proud of ...

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