Adapted - As a student when training to be a Physical Education teacher, you cannot qualify as a teacher if you are not in good physical condition. We accommodate students with various disabilities in our PE classes by modifying activities, and rightly so. I am interested in opinions regarding teaching with a disability (e.g. if the teacher suffers an injury that affects him/her long term)? Does this mean that we are no longer eligible to teach PE? Do you think this is a form of discrimination? Please answer in the forum.
  Coaching - With the importance of Physical activity in schools, through all levels being even more emphasized, should schools start introducing sports like cricket to the syllabus to go along side the typical basketball, baseball, football and soccer lessons? This surely would be beneficial to everyone, both teachers and students, in being able to implement different skills of practice? Please share in the forum.
  Elementary - I am looking for some great activities for a large group (about 40-50 students) with mixed ages K-3. This is an after school program that uses my gym for about 20 minutes - the chaos needs to end!! We need something safe yet keeps the kids active. Any ideas would be great. Please share in the forum.
  Health, Fitness & Nutrition - If you are able to get DDR into your program would you? Are there other types of programs like, or better than DDR? Please share in the forum.
  Interdisciplinary - In my experience soccer has been a rather small unit in physical education. Now it's my opinion that soccer is one of the best sports to play in phys ed because it involves a lot of running, and is a lot more enjoyable then running around a track. So I don't know why soccer is always a smaller unit then, say, volleyball. When I was in high school we always did a 4-5 week volleyball unit whereas soccer was only about 2 weeks, if that. If anyone has any opinions that would be great. Please share.
  Secondary - I am currently a student at Slippery Rock University majoring in PE. When it comes to swim class in high school it is very difficult to make the students dress for class. It is usually the girls that don't like to dress for swimming because they don't want to mess up their hair or make-up, so what would be the best way to handle this situation? Please share in the forum.
  Technology - My school district is looking into piloting a Smart Board in the Physical Education program to integrate more technology. I volunteered to take on this new piece of equipment thinking Smart Boards are interactive hands-on, minds-on technology tools. Has anyone used a smart board in the Elementary physical education setting? What types of things have been done? Please share in the forum.