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Hello and welcome!

Forum: National Association for Sport & Physical Education » Physical Education Teacher Education Discussion Group » Hello and welcome! « Previous Next »

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Patty Hacker (Pattygogy)
New member
Username: Pattygogy

Post Number: 1
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 7:46 am:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I would like to take this opportunity as the chair of COPETE to welcome you to this Forum. It is going to be a wonderful opportunity for those of us in the profession to share our thoughts, ideas and concerns with each other, and to speak up about those issues that are important to us and to the profession.
Thank you to Steve Jefferies for providing us with this "place" to talk. I hope that we use it often and well.
Again, welcome, and I hope to read many, if not all (pipe dreams!) of you here!
Patty Hacker
Paula Summit (Summit5)
Username: Summit5

Post Number: 26
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 8:28 am:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)


We are happy to be of service!

De Raynes (Draynes)
Junior Member
Username: Draynes

Post Number: 2
Registered: 1-2005
Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:55 am:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Dear Colleagues,

The Council on Physical Education Teacher Education (COPETE) would like to call your attention to a new award in the field of teacher preparation - the Physical Education Teacher Education Honor Award. The Chicago AAHPERD Convention was the first time this recognition was given by NASPE/COPETE and it honored Dr. Michael Metzler and Dr. Steve Mitchell, Dr. Linda Griffin, and Dr. Judith Oslin. You can find information about their contributions to the profession at the COPETE webpage. [Go to: point to About Us, select Councils, then select Council on Physical Education Teacher Education COPETE]

There is no dearth of outstanding candidates for this award in our field, but COPETE would like to have YOUR input and nominations for consideration. Here is a brief description of the award:

This award, given by the Council on Physical Education Teacher Education (COPETE), recognizes and honors exemplary, innovative work that impacts physical education teacher education. The recognition is for a service, product, unique collaboration or contribution that benefits the profession. Nominations might include individuals, programs, associations, or government entities.
1. Educational contribution with regional or national significance to PETE.
2. Sustained impact (minimum 8-10 years) on PETE
3. Work represents an innovative approach to PETE.
4. Member of NASPE
Nomination process:
Completed nomination form
One to three letters of support for candidate/nominee
The deadline for nominations was October 15. We are extending the deadline until November 15 to enable those of you who did not know about this award to consider making a nomination. Recommendations may follow the nomination by December 1.
Winners will be recognized and receive a plaque at the COPETE Awards Luncheon at the national AAHPERD Convention in Salt Lake City. Winner(s) will make a session presentation at the national convention sharing information about their work and their contribution to the profession. The winner will be announced at the NASPE Hall of Fame Banquet and in NASPE News.
Please consider the many persons, programs, etc that have had a lasting impact on physical education teacher education and make one or more nominations. Any nominations not selected will be held for future consideration. The deadline for all NASPE award nominations is normally October 15, but, again, this deadline has been held open until November 15. Send to: NASPE - COPETE Honor Award, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191
application/pdfCOPETE Honor Award
copete award.pdf (13.3 k)

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