Technology and Physical Education
April 23, 2001, Vol. 3, No.9


I would like to thank you for visiting the "Technology and Physical Education" page at PELINKS4U. We are partially dependent on your contributions to make this a successful site.

Please send me an email with your thoughts and ideas, and become a part of this exciting new online magazine / newsletter.

Contact me:

  • If you know of a great web site for technology integration.
  • If you know of a physical educator we can highlight who has a web page, or is integrating technology.
  • If you would like to contribute an article to this section.
  • Tell me about the good things going on in your area or state.
Dr. Debby Mitchell
Section Editor

 Technology Tools

Hot Potatoes

This educational software allows teachers to create interactive activities, puzzles, word searches, fill in the blanks, scrambles, and matching games, etc. This program is free to educators. Check out this exciting new software and start creating today!


The Puzzlemaker software is a puzzle producing program that can be used by teachers, students, and parents. The program gives you the ability to create and print customized word searches, crosswords, and math puzzles. You may also build your own maze, as well as other interesting activities. Check out their website and make a word search all your own!

Alpha Smart

The "AlphaSmart" is a portable and affordable computer companion. It enables your students to type, edit, and electronically store text (for example - reports, essays, email messages, or notes). The text can then be transferred to any computer for formatting, or directly to a printer. Its portability allows students to use it anywhere and anytime (for example - in the classroom, in the gym, outside, at home, or on field trips).

Questions to Ask, or
Thoughts to Share?

Click Here!

 Mailing Lists & PE Forum

Physical Education Mailing Lists and the PE Forum

If you are interested in technology (hence reading this page) you are probably also signed up on one or both of the two major PE listservs. In case not, check out the NASPE-L and PE-Talk lists. Click here for contact information. Both of these lists are mailed on a regular base, and connect you with 1000s of colleagues with whom you can share information.

If you are already a listserv regular, we would like to encourage you to visit the PE Forum. This is a bulletin board onto which you can post and read messages. The nice thing about bulletin boards is that you have complete control over your reading. If you are a technology user you already know how email can become overwhelming.

Bulletin boards are great locations for addressing issues that might be of interest to only one group of teachers. They allow us to post information that becomes permanent and can be revisited in the future.

Another nice feature about the PE Forum is that if you choose to register, you can request to be notified by email when new postings are made to sections of personal interest to you. For example, if you are only interested in Elementary Physical Education, you will be informed when new postings are made to this section, but not to the other sections.

Please visit the PE Forum. It is still in the early stages of design so we would appreciate your feedback. If you are interested in becoming a moderator of one of the sections, please let us know that also. Become a participant on issues that are important to you!

Finally, let your colleagues know about the PE Forum so that the listservs can be used for newsworthy items of interest to everyone.

 Health and Heart Web Sites

The Heart: An Online Exploration

This website allows you to take a closer look at the heart. By clicking on the link above, you will be able to explore the development and structure of the heart as well as look at blood vessels. This website also offers information on how to monitor the health of your heart. Check this website out to see what’s really going on in your heart!

Targeting Your Heart Rate

This website allows you to plug in your age and automatically find your target heart rate for exercising. Go to this website and see how fast your heart should be beating as you run, walk, and exercise!


This website allows you to plug in several types of junk/dessert foods and calculate how long it will take to burn of their calories. The Health-E-Meter tells you how long you will have to walk, run, nap, order for your body to burn off the calories associated with several types of food. Go to this website, and find out for yourself just how much you will have to exercise after dessert tonight.


HealthFirst provides fitness testing systems and software, web-based wellness education, and wellness technology for fitness centers, K-12 schools, colleges and universities.

Lessons plans at HealthFirst are found by selecting Resources > Curriculum > then Lesson Plans for grades 6-12.

Healthy Schools

HealthySchools is a site that offers physical education and health teachers information, instruction, and activities to improve health and wellness. Students also have the ability to interact with the technology through a hands-on computer activity.

"Discipline is doing the right things even when no one is looking."

"The mark of a man is one who knows he can't control his circumstances - but he can control his responses."

~ Kelsey Grammer ~

 Highlight and Salute

Mary Wack

Mary's website shows ideas about how one physical education teacher uses Technology in her classroom. The website offers links to her lesson plan, her rules and regulations, and a sample bowling quiz. Click on Mary Wack’s website and find out more about how to integrate technology into your own Physical Education class.

Gerry Cernicky

This physical education teacher has prepared a resource web site to share lessons, links, and information for health and physical education skills & drills.

Ben Pirillo provides a free newsletter for physical educators. He also provides a new lesson plan every week.

 Technology PE Resources

Technology in Early Childhood

"The role of technology in early childhood education - birth to age eight - is a controversial topic. The issue is broader than the dichotomy frequently presented: Should young children use computers or should computers be banned from classrooms?

There are concerns about potential benefits or harm to young children. And if technology is to be used, how can educators take advantage of the power of these tools while avoiding pitfalls?" Visit this site to read the rest of this article.

Project Kite

Project Kite is designed to train parents and teachers to more effectively include young children with disabilities in their homes and classrooms in culturally sensitive ways through the use of assistive technology.

The vision of Project Kite:

  • That young children with disabilities would be included in the daily activities of their homes and classrooms;
  • That computers and assistive technologies would be tools to support these children in the inclusion process;
  • That young children with disabilities who were from under-represented populations would have access to technology necessary for inclusion to occur.
This is a wonderful site well worth visiting.

 Resource Web Sites

The Healthy Student Software Collection

The University of Alberta offers free software programs. The software is fully interactive stand-alone programs that teach various health topics relevant to young adults.

Some of these health topics include:
AIDS in Canada
AIDS in America
Books & Booze
Birth Control That Works
Students & Stress
Munchies: Eating Well on a Student Budget
Itchin', Burnin' & Squirmin': STDs and You and
It's Your Call: Making Sexual Decisions 

This site also offers health information, articles, and other resources.

Children's Folk Games

This is a wonderful multicultural site that contains games, rhymes, customs, tongue twisters, and more from countries around the world.

George Lucas Educational Foundation

The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) is a nonprofit operating foundation. Its purpose is to gather and disseminate the most innovative models of K-12 teaching and learning in the Digital Age. They create films, books and newsletters, CD-ROM's, and Web-based materials in digital form. This foundation uses digital technology to provide a Web-based multimedia resource center. The web-based articles, video clips, and other resources are organized in three categories: Innovative Classrooms, Skillful Educators, and Involved Communities.


The Coach's Edge

This website offers a new variety of instructional videos for your physical education class. Instead of using old dry erase boards and other dull props, The Coach’s Edge utilizes several types of methods for teaching physical education classes. This website details the products they sell, and offers other interesting links. Visit today to see how you might use The Coach’s Edge in your classroom!

Power Point in the Classroom

This resource has been produced by ACT360 Media Ltd. in conjunction with Microsoft Corporation. The fun, eight-unit tutorial shows teachers and learners of all ages how to use PowerPoint to present many different forms of information, the basics on using PowerPoint's toolbars, laying out information, and saving and presenting information.


Using the Internet in Physical Education

Cyber-PE is "using the internet to teach Physical Education". As a Cyber-PE teacher, you use Internet sites to enhance your lessons. The Internet can be used to teach any game or activity that a teacher uses in his/her curriculum. The games and activities aren't different, but the method of teaching them is!

 Contribute YOUR Ideas

If you have ideas, comments, letters to share, or questions about particular topics, please email one of the following Technology PE Section Editors:

Debby Mitchell
Mike Dumin
Ruth Morrey Sorrentino
Mike Imergoot

Help to support quality physical education and health education by contributing to this site.

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