Fitness Professional's Handbook 5th Edition
Authors: Edward T. Howley & B. Don Franks

Reviewer: Elisa Busby

As an elementary physical education specialist, I found the Fitness Professional's Handbook to be a great review and update for me on multiple topics related to exercise that I haven't dealt with on a regular basis for many years. The table of contents is very clear, and the sections of the book are divided in a logical, easily identified manner. The reader is quickly directed to areas of specific interest, as well as being able to progress from beginning to end.

The preface has an explicit rationale for this 5th edition and who the intended audience is. Changes from earlier editions are clearly identified. Further technological and teaching resources available with this edition are also listed for those at the college or university level.

Objectives listed at the beginning of each chapter guide the reader to upcoming topics and the specific data that they will need to attend to in the chapter. Looking back at these objectives after reading the chapter can be another check of the reader's understanding.

There are many tables and figures that contain data, key points, and research boxes for quick reading of information. While these are great for a quick perusal of the contents, on some pages all this information makes the page look too busy. Continuity of reading can be lost, and the tendency is to read the boxes rather than the text of the page. The many photos of exercises, stretches, tests, etc. are clear and accurate, helping readers easily identify important check points and positions.

As a text book, the case studies with answers at the back are helpful and allow the student or reader to think about the information in a practical manner for application to clients. Reference to further details and studies point the interested reader in an appropriate direction to find more information. This gives more credence to the information in Fitness Professional’s Handbook illustrating the information provided is based upon a wide base of research.

The chapter entitled Exercise and Children and Youth was very poignant in my situation. Although there is generally great concern for these age groups, data is finally emerging based on research on children and youth, and not just adults. More and more parents are feeling concern over the physical activity levels of their children; as a result, many are turning to fitness professionals for help. Physical educators are being asked to address this topic of concern, as they are often the most accessible fitness professional to parents.

This chapter provides the concerned physical educator with up to date scientific data on exercise and children. Combining the information in this chapter with that found in the chapter entitled Diabetes and Asthma helps the physical educator be a knowledgeable and valuable resource for our children today. Fitness Professional’s Handbook is full of pertinent, beneficial information for anyone working in areas related to exercise, fitness, and wellness. This book is a resource that will enhance practice beyond the classroom arena and is well worth purchasing as a professional resource.


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