USE OF RESEARCH-KNOWLEDGE BY TEACHERS: I was just many of you use research-based knowledge in your teaching? College professors conduct research on teaching in physical education, but how much of it actually makes it into teachers' classrooms and to students. If you use outside resources in your teaching I would really like to hear where you get information. If you don't use it, what could be changed in the way that information is disseminated that would help you use it? Please share in the forum.
  FIELD DAY IDEAS...AND MORE: Ah, field day! I thought I'd share some ideas in the hope that others will contribute theirs as well. These will work primarily for elementary and middle school.

a. Wrap the mummy - Divide students into several groups. Each group chooses one student to be a mummy. Others line up 50 feet away from mummy. On the whistle, students take turns running down and wrapping one body part of the mummy with toilet paper. Students take turns until all parts or covered or a time limit runs out. Teachers can then judge mummies based on neatness, thoroughness of coverage or other criteria.

b. Sponge Race - You'll need two buckets, a sponge and water for this. Fill up one bucket with water. Line up students about 1-2 feet apart in a line with other bucket at the end of the line. On the whistle, the first student in line dunks the sponge in the water and then passes it backwards over his/her head. Repeat to end of line and squeeze remaining water from sponge into bucket. Winner is determined by how quickly first bucket is emptied OR who has the most water in the bucket at the end. Great on a hot day. Everyone gets drenched!

Please share in the forum

  PE: A REQUIREMENT OR NOT? It seems like each year the requirements for students to graduate from high school are being changed continuously. With the ever changing curriculum, do you think physical education should be a requirement, just like getting a certain score on the standardized tests (S.A.T.s)? Please share in the forum.
  INDOOR FITNESS: I am a student teacher and need to teach fitness two days a week. I love fitness, but the only problem is the weather is ruining my plans. Does anyone have suggestions or games that are fun for fitness indoors. I am teaching at a high school that is adequate facilities. Please share in the forum.
  TEEN PREGNANCY: My school district has a big problem with teen pregnancy. Each year there are between 5-10 girls who get pregnant. Some keep the babies and some get abortions. We have had students that have already had 3-4 abortions. We go over sexual education and in great detail. However the trend continues. What ideas do you have that we may be able to implement to our students to stop the cycle? Please share in the forum.
  EXERCISE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: I teach 7th through 12th grade PE. I read Dr.John Ratey's book (SPARK) along with Dr.John Medina's book (BRAIN RULES)and I was inspired for the PE field. I'm trying to get my school board to understand this research. Is there anyone out there who has been successful trying this? If so, was there something particular that conviced them? Please share in the forum.
  HEALTH CURRICULUM: How often would a school have to update their health curriculum? The school that I am currently student teaching at hasn't updated their curriculum for over 7 years. Please share in the forum.
  DODGEBALL: What are some other variations of dodgeball? I know that when I was in elementary school, cones were spread out across the gym floor and we had to knock the cones down. Any other suggestions? Please share in the forum.
  IMPROPER DRESS: At the school I am student teaching, certain students NEVER dress. This reflect their grade, but these students just don't care. I was wondering if there is anyone who knows how to motivate them to dress or a different approach to take because deducting points from their grade isn't working? Please share in the forum.
  TENNIS SHOES: I'm having the worst time with students not wearing tennis shoes. I have sent notes and reminders home but it keeps happening with the same kids. I don't like sitting kids out but when they have the wrong shoes on I have to. Any suggestions? Please share in the forum.
  REFUSAL TO PARTIPATE IN PE: I was wondering if anyone has any ideas or strategies in dealing with students who refuse to participate in P.E. even after you have sent them to the office or called home. Any thoughts? Please share in the forum.
  PE WAIVERS: Most high schools have different policies on waivers for PE. At my high school only Juniors and Seniors could get an athletic waiver if they were in 2 varsity sports. At the high school that I student teach at, any student athlete can get a waiver but it is only for during that sport season. What are other schools views on waivers? Please share in the forum.
  VIDEO TAPING: I am contemplating using video taping of my students to assist them in improving their skills. Has anyone done this? Any suggestions or pointers? Please share in the forum.
  REWARDING KIDS THAT TRY: In one of my classes I have a handful of kids who are disruptive and cant seem to do what they are asked. I feel bad because there are kids in the class that work hard and do what they are asked. However because of the other students (who are disruptive,) I feel they arent getting what they deserve. What ideas if any would you have to either reward or try to seperate the good kids? Please share in the forum.
  CARDIO OUTSIDE: I am starting to student teach at a school that has bleachers and a track. Today I had them run the bleachers and the track, but does anyone know special activities or drill I can have them do on the track and bleachers that will motivate students and make it fun? Please share in the forum.
  WII FIT: As any teachers or gyms bought Wii Fit?? Do you all feel that this program allows those students who normally don't work out an interest to try to be fit. Besides being quite expensive is there any other downsides to this program? Please share in the forum.