January 7 , 2002,
Vol. 4, No.1

Conference/Workshop Calendar


Children are getting fatter at a  phenomenally disturbing rate! Here is more.  
Thanks to third graders at East Silver Elementary, walking will be introduced, in legislation to the General Assembly, as the exercise of the state of Maryland.
The final review of Healthy People 2000 is now available.  For the report, go to NCHS.
Congress authorizes 50 million for PEP in 2002!
The Surgeon General has announced a Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity.  For the report click here.
Since the late 1970's the number of obese adults in the U.S. has grown by over 50%.  Here's more information on this obesity trend
Clip art and graphics for people in movement fields. 
Have you been wanting one of those battery operated power scooters?  Well the Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness Executive Director, Dr. Janet Seaman believes that these are a major drawback to our activity needs.  Read this press report.
HOT P.E. is the creation of master teachers Bud and Sue Turner, Gary Adrian, and Judy Wilson. For more information click here.
The PEP 2001 awards have been announced! To see the recipients and abstracts associated with their projects click here.
If you have a conference or workshop we can add to our calendar, please let us know. Thanks.

Editor Highlight!!

PELINKS Webmaster!

Vanessa Dunn


Book Reviews

Exploring leadership: For college students who want to make a difference

 Secondary PE

Darla Castelli, this issue's Secondary Section Editor provides a focus on developing the affective domain with additional information for the secondary setting.

Using reflections to enhance the student's awareness of their own feelings. 
A Using scenarios to enhance reflection. 
The Sport Education Model. 
To read these and additional information on Secondary Physical Education click on more...


Happy New Year!  Welcome to the first edition of 2002.  We begin the year where we left off, with seven great sections from our Section Editorial staff, pertinent news for those in health fields, and a tribute to one of the many who contributes to every issue.  During 2002 we will continue to bring you quality information from our great editorial staff, highlight those who are responsible for bringing this information to you and start making changes to our format.  

The first changes we see in 2002 are slight adjustments in our format. For those who enjoy looking at the links we provide, you will find them in a different location.   Instead of clicking on  the PE Links scrollbox that used to be found on the top left of the page, you will need to look directly above the middle column on each page.  The links are now separated out into another page that is accessed by clicking on the red/pink graphic that has Links written on it.  

We have also changed the Archives page to ease the search process  by grouping the issues by year.  Other less significant changes and updates will be noticed as you scan PELINKS.  Look for a total face lift in the coming months.  

We are glad that you have visited PELINKS and hope that you find everything you need.  As always, if we can be of further help, just contact us.   

Kirk Mathias

"Laughing provides a good physical workout.  By the time we're four months old we can laugh, and each time we do we relax our muscles, change our breathing pattern, increase our oxygen flow, heart rate and blood pressure, and improve our circulation."  

~ William F. Fry, M.D.~ 

 Featured Sponsor!!

The HEARTalker Personal Trainer heart rate monitor is a personal biofeedback tool that measures heart rate and provides heart rate information to the user in a real human voice.  It's the ONLY heart rate monitor that actually TALKS to you - telling you when you're exercising too hard, not hard enough, how many calories you're burning, and more.  The HEARTalker helps students to stay in their target heart rate zone, provides a warm-up and cool-down and a workout summary.  Please visit the HEARTalker web site for more information. 

 Coaching & Sports

Mike Clark, our Coaching Section Editor, provides us with the following information: 

Are you aware of the art of running?
A resource for parents to have their questions answered concerning youth sports.
Evaluating coaching.
A site with downloadable coaching manuals.
Click here to read these and much more...


Gerry Cernicky, our Technology Section Editor, focuses on using technology for public relations among other ways to incorporate technology into the classroom.

Using digital technology to acquire bulletin board images.
What is a smartboard?  
Using ESPN to challenge your students.
Click here for details on these and other topics in this week's technology page.


 Elementary Physical Education

The Elementary Section Editor, Marina Bonello, provides the following: 

Support recycling and increase your PE equipment supply at the same time. . . some creative suggestions.
Creating homemade equipment for your classes.  
Using mascots in PE.
Plus more including PE Central links.

 Adapted Physical Education

In this issue, Adapted Section Editor Cindy Piletic, focuses on a variety of topics including information for providing physical education services for students with Spina Bifida.  Other information includes:

What does physical education for students with disabilities include? 
A detailed explanation as to the definition of Adapted Physical Education.  
A test of your knowledge concerning APE in the Did You Know section.
Plus more . . . 

Fitness, Health, & Nutrition

Health and Fitness Section Editor, Darren Dale, examines the following issues.    

Honesty of our students.  Are they honest and what are the implications if they aren't?  
A different look at the impact of exercise on children.
Is your coffee intake increasing your risk for heart disease?
Have you ever thought about what you are forced to consume if you eat in the shopping mall food courts?  Here is an interesting perspective.
Click here to read these and much more.

 Interdisciplinary PE

In this issue, our Interdisciplinary Section Editor, Lynette Young Overby, provides information related to creative thinking skills.

What are the 13 creative thinking skills?
Using all of your senses with your imagery.
A step by step example for developing creative thinking skills 
For these and other ideas click here.

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