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The Promotion of Physical Education: How About a P.E. Kick-Off Showcase?!

written by Brent Bradford, Ashleigh Evaniew, and Clive Hickson , University of Alberta

Well, another school year is upon us! Although it is important for us to promote physical education throughout the whole school year so that our students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to live active, healthy lifestyles, we believe that the first weeks of school (in particular) provide the perfect opportunity to promote our physical education programs to both the school and local community.

The beginning of the school year is the most perfect time to emphasize the importance of physical education and the benefits it can offer. Traditionally, it has become common for school staff members to host a "Meet the Teacher" event, during the first weeks, so that students and their families are able to visit the school and develop a positive relationship with the school community.

For this school year, we wish to add one unique element to the "Meet the Teacher" events; let's organize a "P.E. Kick-Off Showcase!"

A P.E. Kick-Off Showcase has the potential to bring the school and local community together for a few hours while promoting the most important elements of a quality physical education program. It can assist in creating a wonderful opportunity for communication between teachers, students and their families, and school partners. The P.E. Kick-Off Showcase can help deliver a message to the school community that declares..."Our school is a physical education-focused learning environment."

How to Begin: In order to carry out a successful P.E. Kick-Off Showcase, some commitment will be required from several individuals during three separate managerial phases. The three phases that will be required include: organization, delivery, and evaluation.

Organization + Delivery + Evaluation = P.E. Kick-Off Showcase Success!

Phase 1 – Organization: In order to organize a showcase for the school community, several individuals are required to fulfill various tasks. Therefore, our first task should be to organize a Showcase Committee made up of staff members, students, and community members.

Staff Members: The inclusion of additional staff members on the committee can promote generation of ideas from many viewpoints, and promotes a collaborative atmosphere amongst staff. Also, including additional staff is an effective way to embrace your colleagues' strengths, regardless of their subject expertise.
Students: The inclusion of students on the committee is a wonderful way for them to develop leadership, communication, and organizational skills while gaining a sense of ownership with the event. While fulfilling their organizational duties students can contribute to and execute ideas, and undertake positions of responsibility which can add to the authenticity of the showcase.
Community Members: The inclusion of school community members on the committee may prove to be an excellent tactic to enhance the showcase's guest list and enhance showcase events. By encouraging the participation of community members on the committee, "special guests" (such as local professional athletes, or politicians who might accept an invitation to be a part the showcase) may be within easier reach than expected. Also, community members may have connections with local organizations who may wish to sponsor the event or provide door prizes.

Once the Showcase Committee is organized, additional tasks should be divided among committee members. Particular tasks that should be fulfilled are to:

  • Set a date, time, and location (e.g., October 15, 7:00 PM, school gymnasium).
  • Choose a physical education theme (e.g., Olympics, Curriculum Focus, Family Fitness).
  • Choose the activities (e.g., array of stations, small and/or large groups).
  • Choose what to wear (e.g., theme-based clothing, similar colors, activity-based).
  • Develop an informational newsletter to be distributed (e.g., email, school website, local newspapers).
  • Send invitation letters and emails to families, community members, and other special guests.
  • Organize the required materials (e.g., bulletin boards promoting physical education, cameras, activity location maps, activity passports, equipment).
  • Organize the food and drinks (e.g., healthy snacks, juice boxes).
  • Develop a Plan B for potential issues (e.g., rain, more individuals than expected).
  • Attend to all SAFETY issues (e.g., check the equipment).

Phase 2 – Delivery: On the day of the showcase it will be important for the Committee Leader to ensure that all members are prepared, and that they understand their individual responsibilities. For example, student "greeters" should be positioned at the front doors in order to provide information to guests.

P.E. Kick-Off Showcase Example: While being inspired by the recent 2012 Summer Olympic Games, a P.E. Kick-Off Showcase with an Olympic focus that involves an array of stations is described below. The Olympic theme provides the opportunity to showcase the breadth and variety that is essential for physical education programming. For example, a variety of physical education topic areas can be addressed in different types of activities related to the major physical education outcomes (e.g., individual activities - long jump; dance - rhythmic dance; educational gymnastics - apparatus station; games - handball).

  • 'Task cards' which outline the procedures of the Olympic activities should be located at each station.
  • An emphasis should be placed on active participation for all guests!

The showcase example has been divided into three parts: 1) Opening Ceremonies, 2) Physical Education Activities, and 3) Closing Ceremonies.

Opening Ceremonies: During the opening ceremonies all guests will gather in the showcase's main location (e.g., gymnasium, field area) where featured guests will be introduced, and an outline of the showcase's expectations will be explained. The opening ceremonies are an ideal time to promote your schools' physical education programs while developing strong school community relationships.

Introductory Speech: Welcome to the 2012 Olympics hosted by 'pelinks4u School.' We are excited to have Mayor Jim Nasium in attendance tonight, along with professional baseball player Johnny Basestealer from the 'pelinks4u Runners.' We have all gathered here tonight to kick-off the new school year. We have chosen to dedicate tonight to the promotion of our physical education program through an Olympic theme. At pelinks4u School we believe in the importance of physically educating students, therefore we would like to share our passion with all of you in attendance tonight.

During our pelinks4u Olympics, you will receive a map illustrating where each activity is located, along with a passport to be stamped following the completion of the activities. At each station, you will meet pelinks4u staff members who will be prepared to assist you, and to explain specific outcomes of our Physical Education program.

We hope that all of you - parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family members, special guests and, of course, students - will participate in all of the activities. Each activity has been chosen to represent an important outcome of the Physical Education program in our school. The activities will include individual, dance, gymnastic-type, and game activities. After you have completed the activities, we would like you to come see the Olympic Official for a medal presentation!

We encourage you to take a few moments to converse with your child's teacher throughout the evening. We will conclude the P.E. Kick-Off Showcase at 8:00pm. At that time, we would like all of you to meet back here for closing ceremonies. We hope that all of you learn new things and have lots of fun throughout the evening. May the Olympics begin!



Challenge: How far can you jump?

Instructions: Use one pylon as your starting spot and the other pylon as your landing spot. Measure the distance between the pylons.

Additional Challenges:
    Jump and land on the same foot, opposite foot!
    Jump with one foot, land on two feet!
    Jump with two feet, land on one foot!
    Land on different surfaces (e.g., sand pit, grass, gymnasium floor, mat)!

Equipment: 2 pylons, measuring tape


Challenge: Can you create an original movement sentence?

Instructions: Create a starting shape and ending shape. Add movements in between to create a movement sentence.

Additional Challenges:
    Practice your sentence with a partner!
    With others, create a dance for a large group!
    Read (move) your sentence backwards, faster, slower!
    Add different movements!
    Add music!


Challenge: How many different ways can you move through the apparatus equipment?

Instructions: Move your body through the apparatus equipment in a variety of ways.

Additional Challenges:
    Move/roll over/under/around!
    Balance one/two/three/four body parts connected to the ground!
    Follow the leader!

Equipment: 2 pylons, measuring tape


Challenge: How are your throwing and catching skills?

Instructions: Work through the challenges while using a variety of balls.

Additional Challenges
  Individual: How many times can you throw and catch a ball while…
      ...standing still?
      ...moving around the designated space?
      ...with one bounce? a wall?

  Group: How many times can you throw and catch back and forth?
              How far apart from each other can you throw a ball?

  Large Group Game: In two teams of five, have teammates try to pass the ball
                to each other while striving to throw the ball into the opposing team's net!

Equipment: Variety of balls, 2 nets

Closing Ceremonies: During closing ceremonies, guests will reconvene in the showcase's main location (e.g., gymnasium, field area) to celebrate the learning experiences and Olympic successes. The Closing Ceremony is a wonderful time to share healthy snacks (e.g., juice boxes, fruit).

Closing Speech: At this time, the staff and the Showcase Committee from pelinks4u School would like to thank everyone for coming to our P.E. Kick-Off Showcase. The purpose of tonight was to promote our Physical Education program. We believe you all experienced many positive learning experiences, while also having time to meet with your child's teacher.

Have a safe week! We hope you will promote activities, such as the ones you participated in here, with your children throughout the year. You know we will!

Phase 3 - Evaluation: Following the P.E. Kick-Off Showcase, it's a good idea to have bulletin boards about the showcase placed in school hallways for a week or so after the showcase - so that individuals who missed the event may have opportunity to view some of the information, and the school community can continue learning about material that was presented.

  • THANK YOU letters should be sent out or emailed to all organizers and guests, with an indicator that the P.E. Kick-Off Showcase will occur again next year!
  • Photographs that were taken during the showcase should be organized and placed on the school website, and throughout school hallways.
  • Videos that were recorded during the showcase should be uploaded onto the school website!
  • With appropriate guardian consent, some of these photographs and video recordings can even be shared with local news organizations!

An evaluation of the showcase should mark the 'final meeting' for the Showcase Committee. The evaluation meeting should occur within a week of the showcase so that ideas are still fresh in the minds of committee members. The committee should present a final report of the showcase to the school community. This will ensure that true importance was placed on the showcase, with a plan made for improvements in the next one!

A Showcase Summary: The perfect time to promote your Physical Education program is during the first weeks of school. Our intent is to provide you with an innovative plan to promote your important subject area by organizing a "P.E. Kick-Off Showcase." In order to carry out a successful showcase, three managerial phases must be adhered to...Organization + Delivery + Evaluation = P.E. Kick-Off Showcase Success!

Creating activities that provide breadth and variety will encourage participants to learn, try new activities, and experience enjoyment through physical activity. We know you are all doing a terrific job with your students! We hope ideas such as these can help you share some of the great things that occur in your school. After all, it is important for families of your students to have a good understanding of what is being taught in your physical education classes.

Let's make this year the one when families begin to recognize the importance of developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of living active, healthy lifestyles!


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